My personal projects


Architectural Design

Architecture is a creative discipline that embodies the human emotions behind their ideas. It extrapolates the past and present to an uncertain future, symbolizes the spirit of the times and transcends its pragmatic sense of shelter from emotions. Architecture is an art that starts where function ends and becomes reality for realization. Not all built buildings are architectural.
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Urban Design

We reveal a series of important ideas about the understanding and action of urban space. Professional writings and works by essential authors and designers have shaped what we call urban design practice; A set of guidelines, directions and codes of action for the design of cities emerged. The following presentations are intended to be a brief historical reflection of urban design issues with a balance between their influences and their potential impact on the current sustainability paradigm of urban design. contemporary cities.
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Urban Planning

Planning activities concerned with the future layout and physical condition of an urban community, involving the assessment of the present condition and the forecasting of future needs. Planning to meet future social and economic needs includes proposing constructive, legal, and financial programs to accomplish what has been planned.
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Urban Research

Urban research projects are essential resources for achieving a better quality of life in the city.
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Articles published by the author.